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Volume 6, Number 25

06/06/2007, 4:21pm CDT
By Rick Hamilton

Put me in Coach - I'm ready today - Look at me, I can play Centerfield!

Hello Again Everyone - It's the eve of the WIAA state tournament at Goodman Diamond in Madison. I have just about everything ready to go - radar gun, video camera, still camera, umbrella, rain suit, tickets, notebook, pens and pencils -- a little cash!

I'll be there when the first pitch is thrown at the morning session. Look for me right behind home plate as I like to sit where I can really see the ball move -- up (if it does), down (if it does) sideways (if it does) and I like to get a feel for each plate umpire's strike zone and even critique them so I can rank or rate them on the officials' ranking form. So, that reminds me, make sure to get online and rank those umpires that worked your games during the season and just as importantly, the umpires you watched work other games that you scouted, watched etc. That should include the people who work at the state tournament.

Gatorade announced it's 2007 Player of the Year of the Year and it is --- Stephanie Schmikla of McFarland. The senior pitcher was chosen from a list of excellent players throughout the state and I'm sure that the selection process was not an easy task. I have added a page to The Fastpitch Chronicle website entitled "Special Awards Page" and have started it out with a picture of Stephanie and her season stats. You can view that page at so give it a look see.

Also - I have fired up two other new pages this week . One is a Summer tournament directory and the other is a summer tourney results page. You can find the links to those pages on the Wisconsin High School Page when you get there.

I have also opened up a couple of photo pages where you can view photos that my son Eric has been taking throughout the season. His images are crystal clear.

Keep it Rising!


Softball News

Tag(s): News  Rick Hamilton