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Paying Tribute to a Coach We Never Knew

10/12/2009, 9:54pm CDT

As many already know, Merrill head coach Sally Pfund passed away last week. A memorial has been scheduled at Merrill high school this Wednesday night at 7 p.m. 

We didn't know Coach Pfund. 

We have, however, received more than a few correspondences that demonstrate just how many lives she touched within the Wisconsin volleyball community and beyond. Here's just one message we received: "Sally will be deeply missed in the Wisconsin volleyball community. She was not only involved at Merrill high school, but was a very strong advocate of volleyball in Wisconsin. Her dedication and passion for the sport were second to none. Sally will be deeply missed, but her work will be remembered for a long time."

So how can we pay tribute to this coach we never knew? One small way (and it is a very small way) is to help shine a spotlight on just one of her many achievements at Northern Pride, the volleyball club she directed. According to the site, more than a few Northern Pride players are "playing beyond high school...with PRIDE." The list (we linked to the profiles we could find online) includes the following players:

--Ashley Kremsreiter (UW-Marathon) 

--Alison Bohnen (UW-Green Bay)

--Erin Anderson (Kishwaukee and Regis)

--Elizabeth Anderson (Kishwaukee)

--Sarah Pfund (Kishwaukee)

--Julie Kildah (Southeastern Iowa)

--Whitley Phillips (Dubuque)

--Mandy Meyer (UW-Stevens Point)

--Amy Werner (Bethel) 

We love that expression: "Playing...with PRIDE." It seems a fitting tribute to a coach we wish we would have had the privilege to have known. 

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