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The No-Hitting family duos

05/24/2010, 12:20pm CDT
By Jay Messar
Splash of the Week

Pitching a no-hitter is rare enough, but to have a sibling or cousin do the same thing on the same night is darn near impossible. Yet the stars aligned just so Thursday, as two sets of family duos each recorded no-hitters earning this week's Splash of the Week.

In a showdown of Olympian Conference foes, Roncalli senior hurler Matt Roberts tossed an 11-strikeout, 7-inning no-hitter in a 3-0 victory at St. Mary Central. That same night, Roberts' little sister Christine threw a five-inning no-hitter for the Jets' junior varsity softball game at home against Mishicot.

On the other side of Lake Winnebago, Oakfield boasted its own pair of no-hit pitchers. The Oaks baseball team beat Cambria-Friesland 19-0 in five innings behind the arm of Josh Holz, who struck out nine on the night. Josh's first cousin Ashley Holz also pitched a five-inning no-hitter against the Hilltoppers softball team in the opening game of a double-header that same night. Holz also gave up just one hit in the second game and struck out 20 total batters in just 10 innings of work overall on the day.

Four no-hitters in one night is definitely a rarity, but for those to come between relatives may be a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for the Holz and Roberts families.

Honorable Mention

Kaukauna Softball: The Ghosts went undefeated against the stacked field at the Chippewa Falls Invitational Saturday, which featured five of the top six teams in Division 1. Kaukauna, ranked #4 in the latest Coaches poll, knocked off #5 Wilmot in a 1-0 pitchers duel, advancing to play host Chippewa Falls in the second round. By the exact same score, the Ghosts picked off the #2 Cardinals to move into the championship against top-ranked and unbeaten Stevens Point. Kaukauna then held SPASH to its second-lowest run total of the season in a 3-2 upset to claim the prestigious Chi-Hi Softball Invite title.

Dezerea Bryant, Milwaukee Bradley Tech: Bryant is definitely no stranger to weekly Splashes this spring, but it's difficult to exclude athletes who continue to dominate their respective races. At the MPS City Conference Meet Wednesday, Bryant set a new all-time state-best mark in the 200-Meter Dash by posting a time of 23.38 seconds-- taking 0.45 off her personal best and 0.15 off the previous record set by Milwaukee North's Tasha Allen last season.

Madison Memorial Girls Soccer: Since a May 15th loss to Homestead, the Spartans have played some solid soccer. That same day they tied top-ranked Brookfield East in a scoreless battle, then pounded a pair of conference opponents in Parker 8-0 and East 3-0 on Tuesday and Thursday respectively, to wrap up the regular season Big Eight title. Saturday, #3 Memorial shut out #2 Divine Savior Holy Angles 4-0 thanks to a pair of goals from Hannah Rather and a goal and two assists from McKenna Meuer. The Spartans will gear up for next week's regionals by traveling to Greendale and Edgewood this week, before hosting Arrowhead Friday.

The Splash of the Week is sponsored by  It highlights the player, coach or team that has "made a splash" in the world of high school sports.  Coming out of nowhere to do something great, going above and beyond the call of duty, etc.  Basically making something big happen and having the ripples of the accomplishment resonate throughout your sport.  Please contact us to nominate your hometown heroes today!

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